Friday, April 23, 2010

Hotel, Motel, Holi DAY INNN...

A holiday would be nice..but where?

Only if it were probably not this one.

Long as I don't get claustrophobic.

Maybe not as a holiday.

This will do:

It could be so nice, holiii-daaaay.

NEVER EVER Again Will I Use That Arnica Gel.

Someone suggested I use Arnica gel on my wounds, and it did nothing good for me. I felt dizzy, and wanted to throw up. *Thanks* a lot witch doctor...never again.

I don't believe in magic.

Monday, April 19, 2010

5 Ex Sumo Wrestlers, No, HUGE, Angry Dudes, with Swords! Yeah!

Okay, no, but close enough - loose gravel, 6:30am, and internet connection excitement.

COME ON, who wouldn't fall and bleed enough to make your boyfriend say, "don't look!" Could've happened to anyone.

Never run with scissors.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Don't Wanna Grow Up.

Come on Toy Story 3, don't let me down, don't disappoint like Alice In Wonderland did.

Toys for tots, and me.

Breakfast In Bed.

Sunny morning, breakfast in bed...beautiful sunrise overlooking the ocean....maybe in the 80s. :(


Monday, April 5, 2010

Chocolately Goodness.

Always does the trick. Chocolate all day, and all night.

Good for my heart.