Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heart Shaped Box.

Tried reading this, during the day, still couldn't muster up enough bravery to finish it. I'm a chicken, but still enjoy reading these books...err, at least attempt reading them. Haunted suit, I mean, you wouldn't think it'd be so bad, but when the darned ghost is sitting at the edge of your bed.

Ghosts are usually friendly, so I've heard.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Let's All Boldly Go, Anywhere...BOLDLY.

Having a moment. 

Time is flying by, super duper, hyper speed, STAR TREK starship Enterprise  fast. Is it just the time we're living in now, or just me? Probably both. Speaking of Star Trek, I still haven't seen it, but found this interesting photo of Peeps.

Okay, back to work, back to work. Just had to get out of what I was doing for a minute. Live long and prosper, as "they" say.

Make every second of life the best second lived. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Will You...

I'm far from being the "bling" type, but I will say that I do LOVE this piece. Raw, YES, even I DO! 

A diamond isn't my best friend, but it'd be a nice companion.

Friday, May 1, 2009