Friday, February 5, 2010

Did The Nails Today, Myself!

Usually the nails get smeared or get hair stuck to them, but this time, perfecto. Nails dried nicely, and managed to try out different colors! Used the N.Y.C. Pink from Target, and the LA GIRLS FLARE in a blue-ish green color from Forever 21.

Fun at your fingertips.

SuperBowl Makes Me Crave American Junk Food.

Fixin' to have a hot dog today, so that's what I did. Kinda, sorta...okay, no not really. I had VEGE dogs instead. No, they aren't the same, no where near a normal meaty hot dog, and come to think of it, that's okay! Because hot dogs are usually made of scrap meat from cows, pigs, horses, dogs, you know, scrap meat... kidding. I don't know. That's the thing, I don't know. Besides the point. I had "faux" hot dogs this afternoon.
